Cost-Effective Cloud-Based File Sharing for Businesses with a Tight Budget

Outsourcing company resources allows businesses to reduce cost without compromising service reliability. One of the common resources outsourced is online storage. Cloud-based file sharing service offers lower operating costs. This service is also safe because it utilizes several security measures to protect data from loss as well as from theft.

Storage devices like a NAS or rack server can cost a lot. Many businesses especially those with a tight budget cannot afford this kind of equipment. One good way to implement a secure storage solution at lower costs is through online media storage. Such a service is virtually maintenance-free since you do not need on-site equipment. This service also allows you to cut on labor costs for equipment maintenance. The service is delivered through the Internet which means you can access your files anywhere you are, on any computer. Another advantage of this service is your file data storage device is located off-site. This means if a disaster happens like floods, earthquakes or fire, your data will be safe from destruction.

SmartFile is a trusted provider of storage solutions. We also offer enterprise plans for businesses that need unlimited users and throughput. You may want to sign up for a free trial to evaluate the features of our service.

SmartFile is a business file mangement platform that gives you more control, compliance and security.