Why File Backup Freeware isn’t Enough to Protect Your Files

Today, you’ll find a lot of file backup freeware online you can use to protect your files. While it may seem like these programs are enough to ensure you won’t suffer from data loss, there are several reasons you should still consider getting a paid online data back up service.

Most backup freewares copy your files in a hard drive partition in the same computer. This is fine if you are only thinking about protecting your files from virus attacks. However, if the entire hard drive fails, it will be impossible for you to retrieve data, even in part, unless you have a specialist do it for you. This procedure can be very expensive.

With online storage for files, you can be sure that your data is safe from viruses and hard drive malfunction. You can easily retrieve your files online wherever you are as long as you have an Internet connection. Your files are sent over an encrypted server so you can be sure that your files are safe from unauthorized accessed.

Online media storage gives more than just a place to store your files. This service also allows you to conveniently share large files with other people through various methods. You can easily create a virtual link to the specific file you want to share and send the download link to your friends or give specified people access to your back up folder for a limited time.

Don’t get stuck with a program that only gives you basic back up functions and does not fully protect your files. Sign up for SmartFile’s 14-day free trial and see the difference!

SmartFile is a business file mangement platform that gives you more control, compliance and security.