How SmartFile Saved an Intern

A few months ago, SmartFile volunteered with The Hero Project as part of our community service initiative, SmartFile Cares. Right before we started creating capes, a camera was thrust into my hands and I was told to “run with it”.  I snapped and taped all the action and at the end of the day I uploaded all the pictures and videos from the event to our social media accounts. Easy stuff.

You can imagine my surprise when, two months later, I went to find a few of the pictures and I found nothing. No pictures, no video. Nada. I panicked. “Way to go, Katie”, I thought, “you just lost your internship and your future.” Despite my first instinct to curl up in a ball under my desk and hide, I remembered an earlier stroke of genius.

The guys here in the office are always talking about using the SmartFile web app for online file storage and backup, so after I had downloaded the pictures and video from the camera, I immediately uploaded them to SmartFile to learn the ropes of the web app.

After recovering from the mini-heart attack, I quickly logged into my SmartFile account, downloaded the files again and my boss was none the wiser (until I wrote this blog post, whoops).

Naturally, right after I downloaded the files, I found the originals on my desktop. Can you believe they were there the whole time? I may have stressed out for no reason but I also learned a valuable lesson. Always, always, ALWAYS back up files to SmartFile because you never know when you’re going to save something in the wrong spot or delete something important.

Have you ever lost a file that you couldn’t retrieve? What did you learn? Share in the comments below.

SmartFile is a business file mangement platform that gives you more control, compliance and security.