Moving On And Looking Back: My Internship at SmartFile

This summer has flown by! I can’t believe it’s the end.

I’ve spent my summer writing blogs, studying analytics, tweeting and posting all over social media, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Not once did I have to get anyone coffee or make copies. From the beginning, I was treated like a member of the SmartFile team, and that included taking out the trash the one time I lost our weekly game of PIG.

I came at an exciting time for SmartFile. My first day here we designed and created capes for Capes for Kids. Then, a few weeks later, we released SmartFile for Developers. In July, we sponsored PyOhio. And now, during my last week, we’re launching SmartFile Enterprise. This team is always moving forward and kept me on my toes!

What I’ve Learned

I’ve learned so much during my summer here.

What’s an API, you ask? I’m so glad you asked… Have an hour?

I was fortunate to not work under just one supervisor, but two awesome and talented people. I started working with Kevin, then half way through my internship our new Communications Manager Leah joined the team. I can’t thank Kevin and Leah enough for the experience and guidance they’ve given me. I’m leaving this internship with new skills and tools to knock out any marketing problem. And I’ve gotten pretty good at mini basketball.

I kept telling the SmartFile team that they’ve given me a skewed perspective of working in an office. I’m going to expect friendly and helpful coworkers, weekly games, scooters, and snacks at any place that I work. Way to go, guys.

My farewell lunch. These guys can never take a serious picture.

The whole SmartFile team has made this an incredible experience for me. Sometimes the developers would tease me because I didn’t understand all of their technical jargon, but I learned so much. They’ve given me valuable skills that will make me a better student and a better professional.

Thanks for everything!


Want to see where I go next? Follow me on Twitter @keframpton (Up next… tackling the move back to Muncie and completing my last year at Ball State University.)

SmartFile is a business file mangement platform that gives you more control, compliance and security.