Instructional videos can take a lot of storage space. Also, sharing them with other people can be a problem because email service has an attachment limitation. What you can do is split them into smaller chunks and send them one by one. However, this can take a lot of time and effort. For a simpler solution, you might want to check out online storage.
Sharing videos through online streaming is another option, but typically there are other users who do not have a fast Internet connection, so this isn’t a viable option for them. Sharing videos through an online file data storage is more convenient and easier because people who do not have a high-speed connection can still download the videos relatively easily. They can then transfer the files to their computers and watch them from the comforts of their home. Online file storage also lets you set an expiration on download links so only the recipient can download the files.
Sharing videos with others is now made easy with online storage. SmartFile has several storage solutions to cater to your needs. If you want to check out the features of our service, sign up today for our 14-day free trial.