The Advantages of SmartFile Over Conventional Email Methods

What do we have on the conventional email method?  Everything.

More Management

With regular email, you can send files as attachments, and you’re on your merry way.  Now that’s fine for the file sender who in this sense does not place a high importance on sharing files with multiple users.  However, with SmartFile, we allow you to share unlimited files with an unlimited amount of people.  As for management, you can be notified when your recipients download your files and even set controls on when their virtual link expires… giving you more security and control over your confidential data.

More Reliability

Not sure if your files are too big to send as an email attachment?  It’s almost always the case with photos, large Excel documents, and any other typically large file format.  With that said, SmartFile will ensure that your sharing will be consistent and done the right way, rather than waiting forever on attachments to download to your emails just for you to see a big fat error message.  SmartFile uses virtual links, essentially allowing your recipient download the file directly from your account, even if they aren’t a user.

More Features

Sending and receiving files is just about all there is do on your standard email messaging provider.  With SmartFile, however, you can create audits and reports in regards to the activity on your site.  Set controls on visibility and what users have access to on your account.  Edit and view your files on-the-spot for easy access and convenience.  Even take advantage of SmartCare, a one-on-one customer support program to help you take advantage of all of the features that you never knew existed!

SmartFile is a business file mangement platform that gives you more control, compliance and security.