Talk to Us, and We’ll Listen

So, as a means to better humanize our company, SmartFile is fully engaged in social media.  We want our readers, fans, and followers to see us as more than just a company.  We want to be seen as a living, breathing entity of working people, just like you!  So, read our blogs, tell us what you have to say about our daily topics, and discuss frequently asked questions that users have concerns over.  Visit our Facebook page to see our office, watch videos about our team, and to answer our polls about what you would like to see in the future.  Follow us on Twitter and read up on the news we find important either in our industry or in the general world of technology.

In short, converse with us.

Talk to us because we’re here to make your life a little easier.  And if that means answering your questions about SmartFile, file sharing, FTP, or other topics on the convenience of social media, doing research on a topic that you would like to read about, or providing more videos and pictures to put some faces to our name… then we’re all for it.  After all, what’s better than a company that listens to all you have to say?

SmartFile is a business file mangement platform that gives you more control, compliance and security.